The Teppanyaki Air is different from regular teppanyaki equipment because it features an external exhaust fan. This discreet yet reliable extractor system, positioned below the working area, isolates cooking fumes before they can escape, keeping the surrounding air clean. This design feature allowed us to achieve a sleek exterior finish for the appliance.
Kitchenware, High end
Design director/ Product design/
Production consulting
Stainless steel
Injection mold
Launch on
market at 2022

The core aims of this concept included clean segmentation, a restrained appearance, compliance with safety regulations, and building the brand's product identity through the unification of colors and textures. The matte black surface is professional and honest, and stainless steel can easily be adapted to different product dimensions—a requirement of the client. We also made the appliance easier to clean and improved the product's usability by re-designing the knobs and doors.

We worked closely with our client throughout the design process. This included visiting their manufacturing complex to research production possibilities and conducting in-depth market research. The result is a highly functional design that pushes the limits of both production capabilities and aesthetics.

Stainless steel
Injection mold
Launch on
market at 2022